jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Personal Information

Hi! This is my blog and I want you to know me. My name is Jalim Romero, I'm from Maracaibo and I'm 20 years old. I live in Villa Baralt, with my family. My mother is a teacher, my father is a merchant. I have one brother and one sister.

I study engineering at URBE, I like this university a lot, right now I'm taking 7 subjects, and I think I'm doing well, but I guess I have to wait until I have my grades to know if I'm ok. I don't have a lot of time to do my homeworks, because I'm in the army. But it's fine, I like doing both things (studying and being in the army) and I think that if I work hard I'm going to be successful. The army is cool, I like it there because they teach us interesting stuff that is very useful. When I grow up I want to be an engineer and get a good job, so I can buy my own house and my own car. It would be awesome to have enough money and buy my own things. I would like to learn how to play the trumpet. I don't have a lot of free time, but when I have I like to spend it doing fun things like going out with my girlfriend, watching movies with her and with my friends, or just hanging out. I also like to travel, I love going to Merida, I enjoy to visit my relatives that live there. It's great to go there and eat their typical food, that's my favorite part because I also like eating. About my english, well, I'm not very good at languages, but I'm working hard in order to get better. I like watching english tv series and listening to english music, I think it helps and it's an easy way to learn.

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